Temnozor - Sorcery is Strengthening the Black Glory of Rus' [1998]

Album: Sorcery is Strengthening the Black Glory of Rus'
Year: 1998
Country: Russia
Genre: Folk/Black metal, NSBM
Lyrical Themes: AntiChristianity, paganism, nature, NS
  1. Sorcery Is Strengthening the Black Glory of Rus
  2. B'Oden Narod Slavensk
  3. Dib-Dub-Snop
  4. Winter Dreams
  5. Maslenitsa
  6. Glorification of the Fallen
  7. Prince of the Sacred Silence
  8. The Wind Is Dancing in the Crowns of Eval Oaks
  9. Ask the Melted Snows About Our Names
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