Nåstrond - Muspellz Synir [2008]

Band: Nåstrond
Album: Muspellz Synir
Year: 2008
Country: Sweden
Genre: Black metal
Lyrical Themes: Egyptian Demonology and Runes, Occultism
1. Intro - The Gallow Reveals
2. Fenrir Prophesy
3. Eldrök
4. Defiance Of The Transient
5. Dark Fyres
6. Die Sense Die Die schwarze Herbstzeitlose Mäht
7. Ascending Blaze
8. Agios
9. Svarta Stränder (Digerdöden)
10. Calling The Serpentine
11. Ior
12. Mouth Of The Sea
13. Passing Beyond Light
14. Nåstrond